
Frequently Asked Questions

View the categories below about some of the most common questions we receive about our services and programs:

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Course Information

What is the natural flow of the courses?

  1. Principles of Administrative Justice
  2. Interpreting Legislation
  3. Evidence
  4. Decision Making
  5. Decision Writing
  6. Plain Language: Building Results
  7. Other Foundation courses

What time does a course start and end?

  • In-Person
    • Time 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.
      Exam writing 4:45 pm – 6:00 pm on the final day of the course.
  • Livestream – Mountain Time
    • Time 8:15 am – 12:00 pm (standard), please refer to your confirmation letter as times may vary.
      The exam will be available 48 hours after completing the final day of the course.
  • Online Self-Paced Study
    • The self-paced course is 8-9 hours of video play. Additional time is required to complete the exercises and the exam.

How will I know that I am accepted into a course?

  • You will receive an electronic confirmation letter with the required information 10 days before the course. If the course is full you will be notified within 3 business days.

What is expected of me before and during the course?

  • Before the course, the instructor will assume you have completed the pre-course readings.  At the course be engaged and participate.

What is provided for me in the course?

  • In-Person:
    • You will receive a course code to access the electronic course manual.
  • Livestream:
    • You will receive a course code to access the electronic course manual, along with a Zoom link.
  • Online Self-Paced Study:
    • You will receive a course code that will give you access to the electronic course manual and video.

What is an education summary?

  • An education summary indicates how many courses you have completed as well as how many credits you have accumulated.

What if I am unable to attend the full course?

  • Plan to attend the entire course. If you do not attend the full course, you may not receive credit towards the Certificate in Tribunal Administrative Justice (CTAJ™) for the course.  It is understandable that unexpected situations can occur, please contact the office should something arise.

Can I take the same course twice?

  • If you have previously taken the course, you may take it again at a reduced rate. This only applies to regularly scheduled livestream courses.  You need to contact the Foundation office for registration.


Are there prerequisites?

  • The Principles of Administrative Justice (POAJ) course is the introductory course offered by the Foundation, and effective September 1, 2023, it is a prerequisite for other courses. The Principles course is offered to administrative decision makers, investigators, administrators, and advocates.  This course provides learners with a better understanding of the broader role and responsibilities of administrative decision makers and of the tribunal and administrative law processes. It creates a solid foundation, so learners have the knowledge, skills, and understanding of administrative law principles. By completing this prerequisite, learners will have the tools and competencies to become successful in their professional development journey. Effective September 1st, 2023, the Principles of Administrative Justice course will be a prerequisite before attending the following courses:
  • Interpreting Legislation
  • Evidence
  • Decision Making
  • Decision Writing
  • Presenting Cases before Tribunals
  • Effective Hearings
  • Investigations
  • Case Management Practices
  • The Certificate in Tribunal Administrative JusticeTM is a prerequisite for any Advanced courses pertaining to Advanced CTAJ.

Why do you require prerequisites?

  • Prerequisites ensure a level playing field, providing a consistent knowledge base for all learners, regardless of background or experience. The Principles of Administrative Justice (POAJ) course supports the natural flow of learning to subsequent courses, covering foundational knowledge and key principles. By completing this prerequisite, learners will have the tools and competencies to become successful in their professional development journey.

    Prerequisites prepare the learners to be successful in the course and cover materials that you will be expected to know before moving on to the next course.

What other courses are equivalent to Principles of Administrative Justice (POAJ)?

  • Equivalent courses to POAJ include Introduction to Administrative Justice (formerly POAJ), Administrative Law I, and Administrative Law II.

Can I challenge the exam in order not to take the prerequisite?

  • Challenging the exam without completing the prerequisite is not allowed. The POAJ course lays the groundwork for success in the CTAJ™ program.

Course Manual and Exam

Do I have to write the exam at the end of my course?

  • The exam is optional.  However, to be eligible for CTAJ™ credits, you must write the exam and pass.

How will I get my exam results?

  • You will receive your exam results within two weeks of writing the exam via email. We do not provide an exam mark. Results are given as successful and unsuccessful.

What if I am unsuccessful in passing the exam?

  • If you are unsuccessful in passing the exam, you will be contacted by phone to discuss your options for a rewrite or a retake of the course.


Do I get a tax receipt for the courses I have taken and paid for myself?

  • The Government of Canada, HRSDC, has approved the Foundation as an educational institution authorized to issue receipts that may qualify for Tuition Tax Credit under the Income Tax Act. Individuals who pay their own course fees may be able to use the fees from our courses on their personal income tax. It is important that speak you to your tax professionals to get clarification.

What is the transfer/withdrawal fee?

If you register for a course, clinic, or workshop and need to transfer:

  • a $50.00 administrative fee (plus applicable taxes)  will be charged.

If you register for a course, clinic, or workshop and need to withdraw:

  • a $100.00 administrative fee (plus applicable taxes) will be charged.

If you register for any training event and do not attend a refund will not be provided.

If you register for any training event and you are unable to attend, you can substitute another person at no additional charge, two business days before the course start. The substitution must have the required prerequisite to attend the event.

The Foundation reserves the right to cancel any event it deems necessary and if so, will fully refund all registration fees but is not responsible for any other costs or expenses.

    CTAJ™ Program

    Why get your Certificate in Tribunal Administrative Justice™?

    • More tribunals are using the certificate as a qualification to sit on their board
    • Organizations are using our training as a compensation incentive
    • Demonstrate your knowledge and skills through the independent assessments
    • Professional development
    • Make a greater impact on your tribunal
    • Reduction in decisions appealed
    • Save time, money, and resources
    • Provide an avenue of evaluation and support competencies in all administrative justice roles
    • Support that all parties of the appeal process taking their relevant certification provides administrative justice standards and best practices
    • Support a higher quality appeal process for all participants

    How many CTAJ™ credits do I receive if I pass the exam?

    • 7-hour course  – 7 credits
    • 14-hour course – 14 credits

    When do I apply for the CTAJ™ and what happens after?

    • When you have completed the requirements, submit your application form and payment.
    • You may use the CTAJ™ designation once they have completed the certificate requirements, completed the application, and paid the application fee.
    • You will receive your Certificate at the graduation ceremony that is held in conjunction with our Annual General Meeting. If you are unable to attend the event, we will mail your Certificate after the graduation ceremony.

    The Importance of Continuing Professional Development


    Do I have to be a member to register for a course?

    • No, however becoming a member saves money on each course fee.

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